European Society of Cardiology
ESC Patient Engagement - Focussing on what matters to patients
About ESC & Communities Feb 6, 2020
Patient Engagement: Not just a buzz word..
The ESC sees patient engagement as a partnership between patients and healthcare professionals that actively supports our mission of reducing the burden of cardiovascular disease. Our aim is to listen and learn from patients how to:
find better ways of implementing evidence
support patient self-management
improve patient outcomes
reduce health inequities
Established in 2018, the ESC Patient Forum brings together 25 patients from 11 countries around Europe. Each patient has personal experience with cardiovascular conditions.
‘’We have much to learn from patients’’, says Prof. Barbara Casadei, ESC President.
‘’They are the experts on what it means to experience heart disease’’ and patients’ perspectives can enrich the ESC’s work in many ways, from conveying strong messages through the guidelines to offering accurate and essential information through a dedicated patients’ webpage.
Donna Fitzsimons, leading the ESC Patient Engagement, provides an overview of the roots and goals of this initiative, designed to create a shared space for information and support among professionals and patients.

Our Vision
The vision is to have professionals and patients working together in order to make a meaningful contribution to all objectives of the ESC, from the congresses and educational resources to ESC guidelines and advocacy. We want to develop and enhance patient engagement so that it is embedded like a golden thread through all ESC activities.
Our Achievements so far....
Patient Forum members have already contributed to a number of ESC activities, including:
Feedback and support in the development of EAPCI’s Patient Reported Experience Measures (PREMs) and Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMS) questionnaires
Feedback and support for the development of the ESC’s Guidelines Syncope Leaflet
Patient Forum member sitting on EHRA & Regulatory Affairs Committee’s Joint Task Force on CIEDs
Contribution to the ESC Education Conference, titled: “Educated healthcare professionals + Educated patients = Effective shared care”
Two Patient Forum members sitting on the Task Force for ESC Guidelines for Heart Failure